JOCL personnel are expertly trained for the survey and reporting of dynamic positioning control system failure mode effect analysis for all DP2 and DP3 Classed facilities, this is a requirement by the International Maritime Organization (IMO), International Association of Classification Societies (IACS) and International Marine Contractors Association (IMCA).

JOCL personnel are expertly trained for the survey and reporting of dynamic positioning control system failure mode effect analysis for all DP2 and DP3 Classed facilities, this is a requirement by the International Maritime Organization (IMO), International Association of Classification Societies (IACS) and International Marine Contractors Association (IMCA).
Dynamic positioning control system maintains a floating structure/facility in a fixed pre-determined position for marine operation purposes by means of dynamically calibrated active thrusters.
JOCL personnel are trained to carry out proving trials (initial survey of the DP system), annual DPS survey (as per standard organization requirement for yearly inspection) and Renewal Survey (carried out five yearly, mostly done like an initial survey).
Cargo/lifting gear survey is a requirement to comply with various organizations for the safety of personnel, goods and the environment as a single failure of a lifting appliances is enough to cause a major disaster.