Our Services \


There is a saying that "failure to plan, is planning to fail". Maintenance of equipment installed on your facility is top priority as this is a function of the facilities reliability, consistency, safety of personnel, assets and the environment.

Figure: An image of a docked ship near shipping containers by @ilangamuwa on unsplash.

There is a saying that "failure to plan, is planning to fail", maintenance of equipment installed on your facility is top priority as this is a function of the facilities reliability, consistency, safety of personnel, assets and the environment.

JOCL have made planned maintenance system an off the shelf process as our expertise goes beyond hookup, we start the process by evaluating your facility, your requirement which includes the capacity to which you want the planned maintenance system (PMS) to function, it could be used for maintenance purpose only or used for maintenance monitoring, requisition, HSE management and others.

We provide flexible specification of required maintenance integration with spare inventory, all class surveys and survey check sheets.

JOCL Marine Chief Engineers will embark your facility to populate every details concerning installed equipment, this can be done on newly built facilities or existing facilities, history of repeated failures and incident will be factored into the maintenance system and Future prediction can be instituted in the system.

JOCL machines planned maintenance system to suit specific needs.



As easy as it sounds, planning for dry dock, searching for dock space, evaluating quotation considering optimum ships repair cost, preparing drawings, procurement of essential spare part, logistics of expert technicians for specialized equipment maintenance and repairs, aligning of class surveyors and flag administration surveyors and execution of the dry dock is mostly not as easy as it sounds.